How to Install WhatsApp Plus on PC [Step By Step]

Every software developed for Android devices is also required for the Microsoft Windows interface. If you love instant messaging conveniently with many features within WhatsApp Plus on your Android Smartphone, you would also dream of a Microsoft version. We won’t let you feel disappointed at any moment, so we have a procedure to install WhatsApp Plus on your PC.

First of all, WhatsApp Plus APK is only developed for devices running on the Android operating system. It’d be impossible for you to install Android OS on your PC. Conversely, you can try installing an Android Emulator to your PC and then installing WhatsApp Plus APK to that personalized. It’s the smartest and only way to install WhatsApp Plus APK on your Microsoft PC.

Before that, let’s acknowledge WhatsApp Plus APK again for those still wondering why we added Plus in WhatsApp’s name. We didn’t just retitle it and created the most aspiring version of WhatsApp embedded with some magical features, as mentioned below!

Steps to Install WhatsApp Plus on PC

There is a good thing with convenient modified Android apps, which is the mere installation procedure. Every WhatsApp MOD we publish here offers a suitable installation process on Android phones. Moreover, it’s also a simple procedure to install WhatsApp Plus on Windows-based computers. If you’re looking to enjoy this WhatsApp MOD on your PC, follow the below method –

Step 1: Download LDPlayer Android Emulator

There is a sophisticated way to use Android applications on your PC, which goes with an Android emulator. But the space where every techie gets stuck in finding the best Android emulator for their PC. Bluestacks lag. Gameloop is designed mainly for games, but if you want to enjoy futuristic modified versions like WhatsApp Plus APK, we recommend using LD Player.

LD Player is an open-source Android emulator designed for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/10 Pro/11 OS versions comprising all the casual privileges you require with Android emulators. You can download it free from the below link and install it as described within through below steps:

  1. Download LDPlayer by Clicking on this link.
  2. Click the yellow-colored Download LDPlayer button on the screen.
  3. After successfully downloading this app, click once on it.
  4. Press Yes to allow you to make changes with this app on your PC.
  5. Finally, click the Install button shown on the LDPlayer installation screen.
  6. Installing up to 500 megabytes of emulator files will take some carrier charges.

After some time, you’ll find LDPlayer successfully installed on your Windows PC. Afterward, get sharply toward the next step for installing WhatsApp Plus APK on your PC’s emulator.

Step 2: Download the WhatsApp Plus APK file to the PC

After downloading and installing LDPlayer to your smartphone, you must download the WhatsApp Plus package file developed for Android operating systems, WhatsApp Plus APK.

Don’t get worried; we’re talking about the exact APK file we listed on the front page of this website. Additionally, you can be mere with this downloading procedure by using the below link to grab WhatsApp Plus APK on a specific PC folder. We’d recommend downloading it on the Desktop.

Step 3: Install WhatsApp Plus APK on the PC

Currently, you have both protocol and resources. You know what I mean, eh? All you need now is to set both these things and operate them to install WhatsApp Plus APK on your PC. Now, get started with the first step below and go consequently with complete practice –

  1. Run LDPlayer4.exe on your PC as an administrator.
  2. Now, click the Ctrl+3 key combination or hit the APK icon tab on the right-side menu.
  3. Put in the location where you downloaded WhatsApp Plus APK. If you’ve downloaded it to Desktop, open the Desktop on location folder and click that app to open.
  4. That’s it; the LDPlayer will now ask for consent from you to install WhatsApp Plus APK. Press the Install button!
  5. Now, wait for the completion of the installation procedure, and tada…!

You’ve successfully installed WhatsApp Plus on your PC. Launch it through the app list of LDPlayer emulators and initialize employing WhatsApp Plus APK as your default WhatsApp protocol. Send instant messages to all your friends with a new look, add-on privacy features, and the next level of security. Enjoy chatting!

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