OBWhatsApp Download APK V52.0 Update (Anti-Ban) – 2024

Are you looking for a WhatsApp mod with more features than the official app? OBWhatsApp APK is an excellent mod application for digital communication that is converted from official WhatsApp by customization. It is fantastic for its extra new features and functions that are not available in the original one. So, millions of people like it worldwide. It has an easy-to-use interface and is regularly updated to fix bugs. Say goodbye to the limitations of the official WhatsApp and OBWhatsApp download today!

OBWhatsApp File Information

App NameOBWhatsApp APK
Android Version4.0.5 and Above
Current VersionV51.0
Old VersionV48.70
App Size78.02 MB
CategoryMod APK
Total Downloads5,00,000 +
Last Updated1 day ago

What is OBWhatsApp?

OBWhatsApp is a modified version of the popular messaging application, WhatsApp. The acronym “OB” stands for “Overhauled WhatsApp,” indicating that this version has undergone significant enhancements and customization compared to the standard WhatsApp messenger. It is designed to provide users with an advanced and personalized messaging experience, offering features beyond those found in the original app.

OBWhatsApp distinguishes itself through improved privacy settings, allowing users more control over their information, and a variety of customization options, including themes and skins. Essentially, OBWhatsApp aims to elevate the user experience by providing additional functionalities and a more tailored approach to messaging. Overall, OBWhatsApp is a great alternative for those looking to enhance their WhatsApp experience with additional features and customization options. You can also enjoy the same interface in a different color by Installing NSWhatsApp. NSWhatsApp is launched in 4 different colors with the same features. Now, it is up to you which type of mod you use.


Omar Al-Ennabi, also known as OBWhatsApp, offers an advanced and customized experience for WhatsApp users with its exclusive features. With enhanced privacy options, this mod ensures complete protection of user data, along with a unique interface that enhances user experience. You can choose from a wide variety of themes, fonts, and icons to personalize the app according to your preference.

Pink WhatsApp is, in fact, a prototype of OB WhatsApp. This is also called OB2 WhatsApp. Because of its feminine color, this app replication is more prevalent in girls. This antiban APK is developed by ‘Omar Badeeb’ an Arabic developer, to switch the WhatsApp community of more than 2 billion to the next level.

Features of OB WhatsApp

  1. Customizable Themes: OB WhatsApp typically offers a range of customizable themes, with a predominant pink color scheme. Users can personalize their messaging interface to match their preferences.
  2. Enhanced Privacy Settings: Users may find improved privacy options, allowing them greater control over their online status, last seen, and other privacy-related aspects compared to the official WhatsApp version.
  3. Additional Emoticons and Stickers: OB WhatsApp often includes an expanded collection of emoticons and stickers, allowing users to express themselves in more diverse ways during conversations.
  4. In-App Customization: Users can customize various aspects of the app’s appearance, including fonts, text sizes, and notification sounds, creating a more personalized user experience.
  5. Anti-Ban Features: Some versions of OB WhatsApp claim to have anti-ban features, which are designed to reduce the risk of users being banned from using the app due to violating terms of service.
  6. Media Sharing Options: Improved media sharing options, including larger file sizes for images and videos, may be available in OB WhatsApp, enhancing the overall multimedia-sharing experience.
  7. Message Scheduling: Some versions may include the ability to schedule messages, allowing users to plan and send messages at a later time or date.
  8. Status Downloading: OB WhatsApp may allow users to download the status updates (photos or videos) of their contacts directly to their device.


WhatsApp Omar Al-Wardi, also known as OB2WhatsApp or Pink WhatsApp has a Pink color interface. OBWhatsApp Pink comes with a unique interface and supports a range of customization options like font style, dark mode, and avatar customization. This famous WhatsApp version will confuse you with the reason of having a lot many names. But I’m here to clear up all the confusions you have related to this modified version. You will also get the advanced features of audio recordings, where you can listen to audio recordings without repeatedly pressing each recording independently in OBWhatsApp.

Before installing the APK file, you may need to enable “Unknown Sources” in your device’s settings, as Pink WhatsApp is not available on the Google Play Store. Once you enable this option, you can proceed with the installation process by clicking on the APK file and following the on-screen instructions.

Once installed, you can proceed ahead by clicking the open button. It will take you to the next screen where you can select the language.


WhatsApp Omar Al-Azraq is another name for OB3WhatsApp. This version, developed by Omer Badeeq, is known for its blue-themed interface, which adds a refreshing look to the original WhatsApp design.

Moreover, this latest OB3WhatsApp app mainly focuses on enhancing the user experience. That’s why it allows users to experience the most amazing additional features, compared to the original WA. To make your daily life conversation more interesting and unique, this mod app can play a vital role.

Furthermore, smart people are looking for smart devices and apps, and this app is a perfect example of this. By using it, users can now have more interesting, fun, and smooth conversations with family and friends. Keep reading to find out more features about this mod app in detail.


WhatsApp Omar Al-Akhdar is another popular modded version of WhatsApp developed by Omer Badeeq. It is also called OB4WhatsApp. This mod features a green-colored interface, hence the name “Al-Akhdar” which means green in Arabic.

OB Whatsapp APK is the downloadable file for Whatsapp Omar. You can keep these types of files in your mobile storage or PC, and share the OBWhatsapp APK file with friends and family who want to update their Omar Whatsapp to the latest version. Also check the Fouad Whatsapp APK for iOS look on your mobile.

Always get Omar Whatsapp APK file from the safe resource like whatsmb otherwise you can harm your smartphone with malware.

Overall, WhatsApp Omar Al-Akhdar is a reliable and feature-packed mod that provides users with a unique and customizable WhatsApp experience.


WhatsApp Omar Al-Ahmar is another color variation of the OB WhatsApp also known as OB5WhatsApp. It features a distinctive red color interface that looks stunning and eye-catching.

The red color interface of WhatsApp Omar Al-Ahmar adds a bold and vibrant touch to the app. It’s perfect for those who love the color red and want to make a statement with their messaging app.

OB5Whatsapp Omar apk Red apk download 2023 Omar Red WhatsApp update. note:You must make sure that the version you want to update from WhatsApp Omar Red bears the same name OB5Whatsapp as well as the same color so that you do not lose your conversations.‏ This version features WhatsApp Omar Red v46, the latest version, OB5 Whatsapp update. Among the additions to the WhatsApp update Omar.


WhatsApp Omar Al-Dahabi or OB6WhatsApp has a unique golden color interface that sets it apart from the standard WhatsApp. The gold color gives it a luxurious and premium feel, making it an ideal choice for users who prefer a more upscale appearance.

Apart from its distinctive appearance, WhatsApp Omar Al-Dahabi comes packed with various features that enhance the user experience. These features include the ability to download and share high-quality media, customize chat backgrounds and fonts, schedule messages, and lock chats with a password or fingerprint.

Furthermore, this version of WhatsApp also allows you to disable read receipts, hide typing notifications, and even change your online status to offline while still being able to use the app. The anti-ban feature ensures that you can use this app without the fear of being banned by WhatsApp.

How to Install OB WhatsApp?

Installing OBWhatsApp is a breeze. Here’s how you can do it. Follow the below steps:

  1. Click the download button to get the APK file.
  2. 2. Locate the APK file and click it.
  3. 3. Choose your preferred language.
  4. 4. Agree to the terms of service and continue.
  5. 5. Enter your country code and phone number.
  6. 6. Verify your account by entering the OTP.
  7. 7. Create username and proceed.
  8. 8. You’re all set! Enjoy using the app.

How to Link OBWhatsApp with Computer?

Are you tired of using WhatsApp on your phone all the time? Well, the good news is that you can now use OBWhatsApp on your personal computer! With OB WhatsApp, you can enjoy all the features of WhatsApp right on your desktop or laptop, making it easier to type messages, make calls, and share media.

To use OB WhatsApp on your computer, you will need to download and install an Android emulator such as RetroArch or NoxPlayer. Once you have the emulator installed, simply download OBWhatsApp APK and install it on the emulator. You can now open the app and sign in with your phone number, just like you would on your phone.

How to Update OBWhatsApp Download APK?

Updating OB WhatsApp is a simple process. Usually, update notifications are sent to all users, but if you haven’t received one, follow these steps:

  1. Open OBWhatsApp and tap on the three dots located in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Tap on “Additions and Features.”
  3. Scroll down to “Updates.”
  4. Tap on “Check for updates.”
  5. If an update is available, you’ll be prompted to download and install it. If you already have the latest version, you’ll be notified accordingly.

By keeping your OBWhatsApp updated, you’ll have access to the latest features and enhancements, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable user experience.

OB WhatsApp Features

Customized Themes:

Get a lot of beautiful and customized themes for your app to make it different and beautiful.


Customize a message so that when you are busy the other person may be able to find out your situation.

Block Unwanted Calls:

If you do not want to pick up calls from anyone then you can simply block them using this app.

Freeze Last Seen:

You can make your last on WhatsApp frozen with the help of OBWhatsApp on your phone.

Hiding Online Status:

This app has the possibility of hiding appearing online and this gives a great sense of comfort as no one can know if it is active and using the application or not.

Hide View Status:

We understand that sometimes you want to watch someone’s stories go unnoticed. With this concern in mind, you can hide your viewing status.

Hide Media From Gallery:

You can hide all your WhatsApp media from the gallery of your phone so that no one can see it.

Write Long Status:

OBWhatsApp enables you to write longer statuses, where the number of characters can be more than 255 characters instead of 130 characters.

Download Status:

The application supports the feature of downloading status on the user’s phone.

Stickers from WhatsApp:

Want to bring change in your WhatsApp conversations? Then use the stickers provided in this amazing app.


OB supports multiple languages, making it easier for users to communicate in their native language. It currently supports more than 50 languages, including English, Spanish, French, Arabic, Hindi, Portuguese, and many others. With the multi-lingual feature, you can easily switch between languages and communicate more effectively with your contacts who speak different languages.


With the Multi Accounts feature, you can use multiple WhatsApp accounts on a single device. This is useful if you have separate personal and work accounts, or if you want to use multiple numbers for different purposes. Simply add each account to the app and switch between them easily without having to log out and log back in every time.

Message a Number UI Design

Message a Number UI Design in OBWhatsApp is user-friendly and easy to use. With its intuitive interface, you can easily send messages to any contact or number. The design is minimalistic yet stylish, making the messaging experience more enjoyable. Plus, with its customizable features, you can personalize your messaging experience according to your preferences.

Anti-Delete Messages

Anti-Delete Messages allows you to see the messages that have been deleted by the sender. This feature can be helpful in situations where you might have accidentally deleted a message or if someone has sent you a message and deleted it later. With Anti-Delete Messages, you can easily retrieve and read those messages without any hassle.

Control Blue Ticks

With OB, you can control the blue ticks on your messages. You have the option to disable them so that the sender won’t know if you have read their message or not. This gives you more privacy and control over your conversations. You can also enable them for specific chats or contacts if you prefer. It’s a useful feature that allows you to stay in control of your messaging experience.

Message Scheduler

It comes with a useful feature of Message Scheduler that enables you to schedule your messages at a specific time. With this feature, you can set reminders, wish someone on their special occasion at midnight, or send messages when you are busy and not able to access your phone. The message will be automatically sent at the scheduled time, allowing you to manage your communication more effectively.

DND Mode

Do Not Disturb (DND) mode allows you to temporarily disable notifications and alerts from the app. This feature is useful when you need some quiet time, or when you don’t want to be disturbed by incoming messages and calls. You can activate DND mode from the app’s settings, and customize it to your preferences.

Dark Mode

The Dark Mode allows you to switch the app’s user interface to a dark theme, which is easier on the eyes and saves battery life. The dark mode is available for the entire app interface, including chat screens, settings, and home screens. It provides a sleek and modern look and is ideal for using the app in low-light conditions or at night. You can easily switch between the light and dark modes by going to the app’s settings and selecting the Display option.


I have personally used OBWhatsApp and found it to be error-free. I have even uploaded original screenshots to reassure you that this app is secure and packed with features. If you want to have fun and be more active than your circle, then this amazing app is a must-try. The developer of OB WhatsApp has utilized every feature in such a way that you will feel comfortable using it. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a try now and enjoy limitless features that will enhance your messaging experience.


Is OBWhatsApp free to download?

Yes, OB is a free app that can be downloaded from its official website.

Is whatsapp omar APK safe?

If you download the Umar Whatsapp from the trusted source then it may not harm your mobile. It can be risky if you install OBWA from non secure source.

Can I use OB WhatsApp on my PC?

Yes, you can use OBWhatsApp on your PC by downloading an Android emulator and then installing the app on it.

How to update omar whatsapp?

To update the whatsapp omar just install the latest version of the app.

Can I use multiple accounts on OBWhatsApp?

Yes, OBWhatsApp allows you to use multiple accounts on a single device.

Is whatspp omar available for iphone?

No, it is only available for android devices only. It is also not available on play store.

Can I download media files from OBWhatsApp?

Yes, OBWhatsApp has a built-in media downloader that allows you to download images, videos, and audio files.

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